Monday, January 10, 2011


My first post of the new year :)

Yeah, I revamped my blog even though I rarely post now, I've been thinking about it since last year and since I had some free time on my hands, I decided to just go for it.

It's super simple. None of those complicated HTML codes, I actually converted it to the new Blogger design thing and the rest was pretty easy. I did carry over most of the stuff from the old design though. It just looks a lot more classier :D

The banner may not last long though, I'm already feeling the usual I'm-not-satisfied-with-this-picture vibe from it. Maybe because it was a rushed thing. I did it in like 1 hour or so?

Definitely going to be a lot of tweaks here and there over this few days.

What do you think of it? Love it or hate it? (Cookie for you if you recognize where that's from hehe)

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